My Canvas Project - "Upside Down Lily" and ARTIST STATEMENT


An artist statement refers to what you made and why. It adds to the experience towards the viewer.    My piece is bright, abstract, and eye- catching.   When I first thought about my sketch for this assignment, I honestly doubted myself and my ability so that is why I drew out an easy one-point perspective picture with mountains and a train track. As I looked at the blank template on Dreamweaver my mind began to wonder because the words said by professor Roundtree “make something you are proud of” kept popping into my head. Throughout this process, we have been given tutorials and codes to build off. My favorite thing to draw and has been since I have in grade school is a flower. Something about the petals and the ability to create in so many different directions interests me. I have created a piece including an upside-down lily, two sun’s, and background detail to emphasize on color. I have enjoyed having the freedom to really choose whatever color fits into the piece. The use of primary color and symmetry makes the piece more eye- catching. This project took more a total of 6 hours. I chose to make this upside-down lily because I think there is something interesting about upside down objects. They are abnormal and when you flip an object upside down it creates a totally different meaning. I used hearts to create the lily and its pedals and experimented ways to make a square appear as a stem. The two suns on each side represent growth (hence why the lily is so large). The repetition of the quadratic curve adds depth to the piece as the gradient code acts to emphasis the left sun. The yellow beizer curves are used to add depth to the quad curves and express more detail. I used bright colors because I want the viewer to receive a sense of bliss especially in a time right now where that is lacking.       



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