Pre- Somewhere assignment


Kirby: This photo would be difficult to photoshop yourself into because of the way Kirby's head is at an angle and the facial expression on Kendall Jenner's face. In order to make the photoshop look realistic, Kirby had to make his face look dramatic and match the same lighting as Kendall. She also has a glow on her face and Kirby did a good job matching that glow to make it look realistic. 

Average Rob: This photo has inspired me for the somewhere project because of how realistic he photoshopped himself into the car. He approached this photoshop in a simple manor. He really does look like he is sitting on the seat by using shadows to add realism. He also matched his clothes to the people around him and this has inspired me to think about trying to match the color scheme in order to make the image look more realistic.

Funny photoshop: This image made me laugh because I have met so many girls that edit their pictures and pose like this ( I have also taken photos with my girlfriends like this so that is why I thought it is so relatable) 
The guy photoshopped a mirror so nicely into the photo. 

Hidden tips behind photos: 
I was drawn to this photo not only because I am hungry and this shrimp looks delicious, but the idea that you may never know the props and setting that a photo is taken. This person used a steamer to add a more eye-catching effect. I think it would be fun to try and work with my steamer for this assignment. And maybe even using food in my work too because I love to eat and cook! 


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